
Whatwouldyouchoose:afriendwhoseunhingedapproachtojusticeturnsyouralliesagainstyou,oraswornenemywhowillstopatnothingtoseeyou ...,,ThisisthefifthandfinalchapterofBatman:TheEnemyWithin,afive-part,episodicgameseriesthatcontinuesTelltale'suniquetakeontheCaped ...,Whatwouldyouchoose:afriendwhoseunhingedapproachtojusticeturnsyouralliesagainstyou,oraswornenemywhowillstopatnothingtoseeyou ...,2018年3月...

Batman: The Enemy Within

What would you choose: a friend whose unhinged approach to justice turns your allies against you, or a sworn enemy who will stop at nothing to see you ...

Batman: The Enemy Within -- Episode 5

This is the fifth and final chapter of Batman: The Enemy Within, a five-part, episodic game series that continues Telltale's unique take on the Caped ...

Buy Batman: The Enemy Within

What would you choose: a friend whose unhinged approach to justice turns your allies against you, or a sworn enemy who will stop at nothing to see you ...

Same Stitch | Batman The Telltale Series Wikia

2018年3月27日 — Same Stitch is the fifth and final episode of Batman: The Enemy Within. The episode follows Bruce Wayne/Batman as he confronts the Joker, ...